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Legal Name and Nature

Article 1 - The rubric Adriel Care Foundation, or the abbreviated form "ACF", instituted this civil association is nonprofit and governed by this statute, and the relevant legal standards.

Article 2 - The Adriel Care Foundation has its headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Santo Andre, Rua Japu, 364-Garden Rina and may open branches or agencies in other cities or states of the Federation, as well as abroad.
Article 3 - The duration of Adriel Care Foundation is indeterminate.

Article 4 - The Adriel Care Foundation seeks to support and develop actions for the defense, and maintaining high quality of life of human beings and the environment, through the activities of professional education, multicultural, environmental and social.
Paragraph One - In order to achieve its goals, Adriel Care Foundation may suggest, promote, collaborate, coordinate and implement actions and projects aimed at:
Operate exclusively for charitable purposes, the main reason for the existence ADRIEL CARE FOUNDATION and to establish peaceful promotion of human unity through the arts, education funding, and health care to poor communities, with literature, media, art, social development and other means of goodwill, including fighting to ensure the right to life and well being of all.
I - implementation of sound broadcasting service with educational, artistic, cultural and information, respect for ethical values ​​and social development for the benefit of the community, through concession, permit or authorization for the operation of community broadcasting in accordance with the law specific;
II - the promotion of social welfare and excluded minorities, economic development and poverty reduction;
III - free promotion and health education including HIV-AIDS prevention and drug use;
IV - the preservation, protection and conservation of the environment and promoting sustainable development;
V - the promotion of volunteerism, creating internships and placement of trainees in the labor market;
VI - the promotion of rights of persons with disabilities, the rights of women and children, free legal advice and fight all kinds of sex discrimination, race and class, forced and child labor;
VII - the promotion of ethics, peace, citizenship, human rights, democracy and other universal values.
Paragraph Two - The dedication to the activities listed above is configured through the direct execution of projects, programs, related action plans, through the donation of physical, human and financial resources, or the provision of intermediary services to support other organizations nonprofit, international organizations affiliated or not, and public sector agencies that work in related fields.
Article 5 - The Adriel Care Foundation will not engage in religious, political party, or any others that do not accord with its institutional objectives.

Of the Members, Your Rights and Duties
6 - The Adriel Care Foundation consists of unlimited number of members, who will be the following categories: effective, employees and benefactors.
7 - members are actual people or entities without legal impediment, who signed the memorandum of association and other entity that may be admitted in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph One of this Statute.
8 - staff members are individuals or entities without legal impediment, which will contribute to the implementation of projects and the achievement of the objectives of Adriel Care Foundation.
9 - members are considered worthy people or institutions that stood out for work in line with the objectives of the Association.
10 - The members, whatever their category, do not respond individually, jointly or secondarily by the obligations of Adriel Care Foundation, nor for the acts committed by the President or Executive Director.
Sole Paragraph - The admission of new members in any category will be decided by the General Assembly upon the actual or proposed members of the Board.
Article 11 - The rights of members:
I - participate in all association activities;
II - to propose the creation and take part in committees and working groups, when assigned to these functions;
III - proposals, projects and programs of action for Adriel Care Foundation.
IV - have access to all books of accounting and financial nature, as well as all plans, reports, accounts and independent audit results.
Sole Paragraph - The social rights provided herein are personal and not transferable.
12 - The duties of members:
I - observe the Statutes, regulations, rules, decisions and resolutions of corporate bodies;
II - cooperate to develop and most prestigious Adriel Care Foundation and broadcast their goals and actions.
13 - It is considered a grave offense, punishable by exclusion trigger or cause material damage or material Adriel Care Foundation.

General Meetings
14 - The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Association, and is composed of effective members of Adriel Care Foundation.
15 - The General Meeting will be extraordinarily, whenever necessary, and ordinarily 1 (a) once a year, to discuss the following topics:
I - consideration and approval of the Annual Report and other financial reports for the previous year, and the Annual Budget and Work Plan for the new year;
II - appointment or removal of the Chief Executive;
III - appointment of members of the Advisory Board and Audit Committee;
IV - to decide on the admission of new members effective, employees and benefactors;
V - to decide on the reform and changes in laws;
VI - decide on the termination of the Association and the allocation of corporate assets;
VII - to decide on cases not covered and not covered herein.
16 - The General Meeting shall be convened by the President, or by letter signed by at least half of the effective members.
Sole Paragraph - The call of the General Assembly, ordinary or extraordinary, shall be given by registered letter addressed to all members, and with at least 15 (fifteen) working days.
17 - The quorum required for the installation of the General Assembly at any time, is 50% (fifty percent) of effective members.
Paragraph One - will be entitled to vote at meetings all categories of members: effective, benefactors and collaborators, since in the latter days with his contribution.
Note: If you choose to act as community radio, including this paragraph, the status of NGOs.
Paragraph Two - only entitled to vote at the Meetings native Brazilians or those naturalized for more than ten years.

18 - The Adriel Care Foundation will be headed by the Executive Board elected at a general meeting for a period of four (04) years and may or may not be reelected.
The administration is up to the President which will represent the Association in court or outside it, actively or passively, as well as third parties in general, may appoint attorneys on behalf of the Association, with specific powers and mandate to time limits, which will never exceed the date extinction of President who granted the proxy.
19 - The President of Adriel Care Foundation aiming to print more operational activities of the Association, shall assume the following responsibilities and hire or appoint an Executive Director to:
I - coordinate and direct the general activities of specific Adriel Care Foundation;
II - sign agreements and carry out affiliation Adriel Care Foundation to institutions or organizations on behalf of the President;
III - present to Adriel Care Foundation events, campaigns and meetings, and other activities of interest to the Association;
IV - forward annually to the effective members, activity reports and financial statements and administrative expenses of projects, and the opinions of independent auditors, the Audit Committee or, if it is established on the balance sheets and annual accounts;
V - to hire, assign, license, suspend and dismiss employees of the administrative and technical Adriel Care Foundation.
VI - to prepare and submit to the budget and effective members of the Annual Work Plan;
VII - to propose to shareholders effective reforms or amendments to this Statute;
VIII - to propose to shareholders the effective consolidation, merger and extinction of Adriel Care Foundation observing the present Statute regarding the fate of its assets;
IX - to acquire, dispose or encumber the property of the Association, with the express authorization of the General Assembly;
X - draw up the bylaws and Functional Organization Chart Adriel Care Foundation, and submit it for consideration and approval of the General Assembly;
XI - perform other duties of the office, not expressly provided for herein.
Sole Paragraph - It is prohibited for any member of the Board or any associated acts of generosity at the expense of Adriel Care Foundation.

Advisory Council
20 - In order to assist the partners and employees of Adriel Care Foundation in achieving its statutory objectives, and particularly in the development, execution and implementation of their actions, campaigns and projects, indicate the effective members to the General Assembly under Article 15, paragraph III hereof, people learn to recognize and competence in the fields of knowledge related to their activities, to form the Advisory Council of Adriel Care Foundation.
21 - The Advisory Board will be composed of no more than fifteen members, with a mandate of four (04) years, and will meet whenever called by the President, or the suggestion of the Executive Director, without the first .
First Paragraph - The members of the Advisory Council shall elect by simple majority, the President, who will coordinate the work of this Council.
Second Paragraph - The decisions and opinions of the Advisory Council shall be taken by simple majority and its chairman a casting vote.

Council Tax
22 - When summoned under Article 24, Paragraph Three, this Statute, the Supervisory Board will be supervising the administration of financial accounting and Adriel Care Foundation will be composed of three members of recognized reputation.
23 - Members of the Supervisory Board members will be invited by the troops, and appointed by the General Assembly under Article 15, paragraph III hereof.
24 - The Supervisory Board, or if appropriate, the External Auditors:
I - Give formal opinion on the reports and statements of financial accounting and Adriel Care Foundation, providing the reservation they deem necessary;
II - To express opinions on any matter involving the assets of Adriel Care Foundation where necessary;
III - attend when summoned, the General Assemblies, to clarify their opinions, when it deems it necessary;
IV - decide on the dissolution and liquidation of Adriel Care Foundation.
First Paragraph - The members of the Supervisory Board shall elect by simple majority, the President, who will coordinate the work of this Council.
Second Paragraph - The Audit Committee shall decide by simple majority and its chairman a casting vote.
Third Paragraph - The Audit Committee will only be installed, and called its members, to Adriel Care Foundation does not hire outside auditors, or if so required, by a simple majority, the General Assembly.

25 - The heritage of Adriel Care Foundation shall consist of donations from individuals and / or legal entities, public or private, domestic and foreign.
26 - The Adriel Care Foundation will not distribute any portion of its assets or revenues as a share of profit or social outcomes.
Sole Paragraph - The Adriel Care Foundation will not receive any donation or grant that may compromise their independence and autonomy before any donors or subventores.

Financial Regime
27 - The financial year of Adriel Care Foundation will terminate on December 31 of each year.
28 - The annual financial statements will be sent within the first sixty days of the year following the General Assembly for review and approval.

Qualification in Care Foundation Adriel How Civil Society Organization of Public Interest in Accordance with the Law No. 9790 of March 23, 1999
29 - The Adriel Care Foundation does not distribute among its partners, associates, directors, officers, employees or donors, any operating surplus, gross or net, dividends, bonuses, shares or portions of its patrimony.
30 - Adriel Care Foundation will fully implement their income, resources and results of operations in any maintenance and development of institutional objectives in the country.
31 - In case of dissolution, the termination approved by the General Assembly convened especially for this purpose under Article 15, will conduct a survey of its assets, which must be intended for other legally constituted institutions, qualified as civil society organization of public interest and nonprofit, that have similar social goals.
Article 32 - The Adriel Care Foundation in observance of the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, transparency, economy and efficiency, adopt practices of management, necessary and sufficient to restrain the collection, individually or collectively, benefits or advantages personal, as a result of their participation in decision-making process.
33 - The supervisory board or equivalent body shall be competent to opine on the financial performance reporting and accounting, and operations on the property made by delivering opinions to the bodies of the upper body.
34 - In the event of losing Adriel Care Foundation qualification established by Law No. 9790 of March 23, 1999, its collection available assets acquired with public funds during the period that lasted one qualification, will be transferred to someone else qualified legal under this law, preferably with the same social object.
35 - Is there a possibility to establish compensation for the directors of the entity acting in executive management and effectively to those who provide services specific to it, respected, in both cases, the market rates in the region corresponding to its area.
36 - The Adriel Care Foundation will observe the standards of accountability, which will determine at least:
I - the observance of basic accounting principles and Brazilian Accounting Standards;
II - which give publicity by any effective means, at the close of the fiscal year, the activity report and financial statements of the entity, including the clearances of debt with the INSS and the FGTS, putting them available for examination of any citizen;
III - to conduct audits, including by independent external auditors as appropriate, the application of any object resources of the term partnership as provided by regulation;
IV-accountability of all resources and assets from public sources received by Civil Society Organizations of Public Interest shall be as determined by the sole paragraph of art. 70 of the Constitution.
37 - It is forbidden to Adriel Care Foundation as Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, participation in campaigns of political-partisan or electoral means or under any form.
Note: If you choose to act as community radio, this chapter includes the status of NGO:

Implementation of the Community Broadcasting Service
Article 38 - the Community Council will be established for at least five (05) persons representing local community entities such as charitable associations or residents, as long as legally imposed.
39 - The Community Council will have the specific purpose of monitoring the programming of the station, if the "here includes the name of the NGO" will explore broadcasting services in order to service the exclusive interest of the community and the principles of Article 4 of Law Community Broadcasting.
40 - The responsibility and intellectual orientation of community radio "here includes the name of the NGO" shall lie with the native Brazilians or those naturalized for more than ten years.
41 - The staff of the community radio Adriel Care Foundation shall consist of at least 2 / 3 (two thirds) of Brazilian workers.
Article 42 - The "here includes the name of the NGO" will not make any changes to this status without prior authorization of the competent bodies.
43 - The "here includes the name of the NGO" adopt the fancy name of "Community Radio FM _________" for the implementation of community broadcasting service.

General Provisions
Article 44 - is expressly forbidden to use company name in acts involving Adriel Care Foundation in bonds on foreign business to its objects, especially the provision of guarantees, endorsements, guarantees and collateral of favor.
Place and date.
Name and signature of the President of the NGO: Adriano Santos Menezes
Name and signature of Vice President of the NGO: Rubens Tellin

Note: About the service community broadcasting, see Law No. 9612 of 19.02.98.

Adriel Care Foundation